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Hello everyone,

I am using the free version to test out DocuSign for our company.  I’m creating a template and one field I need is for a telephone/cell number.  I can’t seem to get it to work. The number field tells me its an error and wants a number.  

Is there any way to create a telephone/cell number field for a template? Or document for that matter?

Thank you,


@Pat.Sinka A shortfall of the Text validation is there is no option for “telephone” or “cellphone”.  A text field is best in a situation where you need a telephone number entered and if you have the time and ability to set a Custom Validation Regex if you only want certain data entered into that text field. Unfortunately with a Number validation if anything like a dash or brackets are used it will cause an error. There have been a few threads which give Regex examples but it would be nice to see a DocuSign feature where you can set this as a validation since it is very common.

Thank you, David.  Now that I know that, I will stop trying to make it work and go with “Text” instead.


Much appreciated,


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