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I have a document to sign via DocuSign.

I received a link by email, clicked on it, entered my phone number and received an SMS.

The SMS contains a link, but this link is not working and sends me on a non existent page.

The link I receive is in the form

But the page it sends me on is in the form

I tried with Chrome on mobile, and even copying the link on Firefox PC. Same error…


What should I do?

Thank you very much for your answer.


Catherine Rabachou


‘...’ is a code of course, not really ‘...’.


Catherine Rabachou

Hello @CRabachou ,

Welcome to the Docusign Community and thank you for posting your concerns!

We apologize for the late reply, were you able to sign the document? Did the sender change the authentication method?

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!
