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I have sent a document to myself. I can see the document in my inbox attached to Docusign. However, when I click on the file to view it (in the preview pane on the right hand side) my boxes i had dragged over there for signing and the date do not show up. If I send it to someone else they are able to view the boxes just fine. I thought that I could see them before, was there a change? 

Hi @Beth Lube !

If you sent to yourself an envelope using the option Start > Sign a Document, this envelope will be created with no fields, and this explain why you can’t see fields (boxes) when you manage this type of document - we called this behavior as FreeForm, check below more information. However, if you create an envelope using the option Start > Send an Envelope, and add yourself as a recipient, the process will require you to add fields, so it will works as you expect.

If you want to learn a little more about FreeForm envelopes, please, check this article:

Use Freeform Signing

I need to explain the issue better.  It has nothing to do with signing a document.


The problem is when I fill in a form, draw the field boxes, then check the completed doc before sending, what I’ve filled in either before or after I send out, the fields are blank.  This has never happened before and I’ve been a user for over 10 years. I thought maybe a setting had changed. 


The only way I can check to see that the form boxes are there is to go to “Correct” or “Preview.”  Going to the Correct tab seems wrong because it’s misleading (I just want to look at the doc to be sure it’s going out like it should, not correcting anything as I don’t want recipients to think it was corrected when it wasn’t).

Going to Preview works.  But I never had to do that before.


Hope this helps explain the issue.

Hi Bete Lube!
Sorry if I'm not able to help you properly, but I'm having a little difficulty understanding the scenario.

If my understanding is correct, when you are positioning the fields in the envelope before the first sending, you fill in some markings/texts but they do not appear to you. It’s only possible to view it after accessing the preview or making a correction. If this is the scenario, it really is unexpected behavior.
My recommendation is to go to Settings > Sending Settings > and enable the option "When an envelope is sent, write the initial value of the field for all recipients". Maybe this could help.

Also, I looked in our Release Notes to see if there were any changes to field visibility, but I couldn't find anything related to it. Therefore, my suggestion is that you check if another administrator has changed any settings in your account. To do this, go to Settings > Audit Logs.

If the problem still doesn't resolve, in this case, I recommend that you contact our customer support team and share some evidence (screenshots) of what is happening, so that the team can investigate a little deeper than me.

Hi @Beth Lube,


I hope you are doing well.


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Otherwise, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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