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Hi, I’m hoping someone can assist me with a module.  I’m being asked whether “receives a copy”, “needs to verify”, “needs to review”, or “needs to initial” would be the correct option to allow a recipient to be required to open but not sign a document.  From what I am reading, the option to receive a copy just provides a carbon copy, but the recipient can decide not to open it, so it is not required.  Needs to verify from what I have researched is for authentication purposes.  Needs to review requires you to both view and sign a document.  Needs to initial would require you to open the document and place initials, which is akin to signing.  I told my instructor that none of these answers is correct, as the correct answer in my opinion should be “needs to view” but I’m being told that I am wrong and the answer is one of these 4 options.  Can someone assist me and explain why that is the correct answer?

@Emelda The correct Recipient Type in this example is “Needs to View”, which requires the Recipient to open or “review” the envelope so the action is completed and moves to the next Recipient (if Signing Order enabled). “Needs to View” does not require any fields to be completed.  

I am unfamiliar with the options “needs to verify”, “needs to review”, or “needs to initial” as these are not dropdown options in DocuSign, “Needs to Sign” encompasses the “needs to initial”. Verification can also be set for any Recipient with “Needs to Sign”.  I could see the confusion between “Needs to View” and “Need to Review”.

Link to document that provides each Recipient Type…

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