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When attempting to access / sign a document sent to me by an originator, I receive this error from Firefox:

Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR


  • The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
  • Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

I receive similar errors in Chrome and MS Edge. As a workaround, I accessed and clicked on the Access Documents link at the top of the home page. That link took me to and generated errors as well. This is not the first time I’ve seen this error. Docusign did work for me at one time, but recently this is a problem every time I receive a doc to sign. Firefox “more info” doc suggests this is a site certificate problem. Any ideas about underlying cause that the end user can fix? OS is MS Windows 11. Tested this on my laptop and Surface Pro tablet.




Hello, @NexusNet 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


This type of error most of the times are related to something (firewall/Malware protection/Protocol filtering) between your machine to the servers.


First, try to use for example your mobile device not with the WiFi, but the phone network, if you can connect so it’s not a problem related to the servers. You can also try a different network (your home, a public spot) to access the documents, again, if the error does not occur, the problem is with the client side, not the servers.


Also, check this information and step to fix PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR



Over the next few sections, we’re going to show you how to solve the PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR. These don’t have to be followed in order, so you’re free to jump around the article and begin with whichever solution you feel is most viable.

What’s more, each method is straightforward to execute, as it will mostly just involve rummaging through your browser’s settings.

Let’s begin with one of the most basic solutions to almost any problem with your browser.

  1. Clear Your Browser Cache
  2. Use a Different Network
  3. Disable Any Firewalls or Security Software
  4. Disable Your VPN or Proxy
  5. Disable Firefox Extensions and Add-Ons

Remember, the steps mentioned above regarding disabling Firewall, Security Software would be for troubleshooting purposes only, of course, they must be in use all the time for obvious security measures. 


Let me know if that answered your question!




Hello @NexusNet ,

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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