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I am wondering if it is possible to schedule a void if a document is not signed by a certain time? 


The Expiration feature under Advanced Options in DocuSign allows you to set a specific number of days for an envelope to remain active. If the document is not signed within the set timeframe, the envelope will automatically void, ensuring no further action can be taken on it.

Thank you for your reply!. I can see the expiration in settings, but will this apply to ALL my envelopes waiting signatures? I am just wanting it to apply to half my documents. 


Changing the expiration settings at the account level sets a new default expiration period for all future envelopes. This means that any envelope sent after updating this setting will automatically use the new default expiration period unless you manually adjust it for a specific envelope.

If you need to update the expiration settings for envelopes that have already been sent, you must use the "Correct" feature. To do this, locate the active envelope you wish to modify, access its "Advanced Options," and adjust the expiration settings accordingly. This allows you to change the expiration date for envelopes that are currently in progress and have not yet been completed or expired.

Awesome! Got it. Thanks John! 

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