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How can we re-size the margins in order to put the Docusing ID below than the current margin?  After the document is sign I need to put a header and it is cut-off with docusing mark.

Hi @avalbuena !

The best solution to do it is to directly edit the document before adding it to DocuSign. However, if this is not possible, perhaps another option would be to reposition the EnvelopeID in your document. To enable it, please access Settings (you must be an Admin) > Sending Settings > “Enable including the Envelope ID on the document”.

See the articles below for more details. If this is not available on your account yet, please, create a ticket to the Customer Support Team to request this feature called Stamp Envelope ID Control.

I hope I could help you with it!

Hello @avalbuena ,

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Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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