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Hi There,

We have a document out for signing that has 16/17 recipients completed. I'm wondering what happens if I remove the non-signer from the Document?

I'd like to remove the non-signer from the envelope and complete the signing.

If I do this, will the document need to be re-completed by all other recipients or will the envelope then automatically move to completed status?

It's vital that removing the non-signer doesn't cause all signatures to be reset and require signing again.


When you correct the envelope and remove the 17th recipient who is blocking, the envelope will be completed with 16 recipients remaining. Nobody needs to re-complete.

When do you mean with “non-signer”? If it is just a “receives a copy” recipient, it has no impact at all. If they prevent the envelope completion, they must have an action to be completed for them.

@Michael.Rave Thank you for your response.

By “non-signer” I mean a person who is required to sign but hasn’t yet (or doesn’t intend to) thereby blocking completion if the envelope.

Ultimately, the person may choose not to sign ever given that this is a shareholder vote so I need a way to sort of manually end the signing period without voiding the entire envelope.


Ok. When you correct and remove him, the envelope will be completed.

Great thank you @Michael.Rave!

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