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Is there a way to allow senders access to edit fields in a template but not allow them to create a new template?  E.g we have legal releases, we want staff to be able to edit fields in the release but not have the ability to upload a whole new release in the docusign platform- we want to limit that to a narrow group.

Try delegated permissions.

@kmcgowan - You can allow senders to use templates created by others and limit the account to send only from a template so that users don’t send other envelopes.  

Hello @kmcgowan ,


Welcome to the Docusign Community and thank you for posting your concerns!

I just wanted to add to Justin’s and John’s helpful comments. Delegated permissions are only used if you need a user to have a certain level of admin responsibility on the account without being a full admin, you can find further information here: Delegated Permissions


However, you could create a new permission profile for the needed users by copying the DS Sender profile and editing the template section to only use templates and not create them: Add and Copy Permission Profiles


If you don’t want your users to upload their own documents either and to just use templates, you can turn off the document upload option in the permission profile and require them to only use the available templates by going to Settings > Sending Settings > Templates: Templates


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Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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