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I have a question regarding the QES signature type. Only a certain group of people should be able to use the QES. It should be forbidden for all other users. How can I set this? 

Thank you.

@Mario B.

In DocuSign eSignature all signature types are currently only available as an account-wide setting and therefore, available to all users in the account.

To restrict the usage, customers need to create a sub-account, enable QES on this account and only add the users that should be able to use QES. These users may have two DocuSign eSignature accounts available to them, but can switch between the two and set their default account as they please.

Hello, thank you for your answer.

The applicant who is not a qualified signatory must be able to select employees with a qualified signature. There are simple and qualified signatures in a document. This means that every employee must be able to select the group of people with a qualified signature. 
Is this still the case with a sub-account for all persons who are to sign with a qualified signature?

@Mario B. 

Yes, this is possible with a sub-account. It can contain all the signature types that you require and you are able to use them as needed for the recipients within an envelope. Only the sender/envelope creator needs to be in this account in order to have the different signature type available. For the combination of different signature type we recommend using a template for setting the correct signature types.

What I have seen at customers is, that they differentiated between “standard electronic signatures”, which would be send out from one particular account, to have these use cases and templates separated from “qualified electronic signatures”. These would be in the separate sub account and only those that need to sent out these typed of documents would be given access to avoid confusion and avoid higher costs due to usage in use cases that do not required a qualified signature.

Hi @Mario B.,


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Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

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