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There are instances where I need to sign a client's name (as a power of attorney) in addition to my own.

How do I set up the docusign signature block?


Thank you for your post to DocuSign's Community.

You can certainly adopt multiple signatures within your DocuSign account to be used for different variations of your names or roles, such as when a full legal name as opposed to simply first and last names are required.You may be able to take similar action to create a signature to be used when signing as Power of Attorney, further information on how to do so can be found in the following link: ( How do I change my signature or adopt a custom signature? Alternatively, you could add a separate Recipient when creating the DocuSign Envelope so the "Power of Attorney Recipient" would be listed separately from yourself, with a unique recipient "name" and adopted signature.As always with legal matters, it's best to seek advice from a lawyer and/or the specific institution you're working with to ensure any possible solutions are also the best, legal solutions to the issue you've raised.

Kind Regards,

Damian Community Moderator
