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I need to upload a template and have the Guardian sign and date, send back to me and then I would reupload template and have a clinician and Patient sign on a different date. I also need to learn how to add radio buttons and their value making it possible that once the Guardian signs and agrees to services, the patient and clinician cannot click and undo the buttons that Guardian originally signed. 

Both of your requests are possible, but might I suggest a different workflow.  Sending out one envelope with the single document that requires both the signatures of the Guardian and then routed to the Clinician and Patient to sign....perhaps using In Person Signers...but this keeps everything tracked under one envelope. Just a thought.  Also if you use the suggested workflow of downloading and reuploading a document then the data entered is embedded and cannot be changed.  Only the new fields (signatures) placed under the new envelope would be modifiable. If you use my approach then each Signers fields can be set to Read-Only.
