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I have sent a document using same template through the bulk send feature in multiple evelopes.  Role 1 is lease, role 2 is co-signer —Recipient 1 is student, 2 is parent Our response rate is low, so I would like to change the send order, so that the parent (Role 2 receives the document 1st instead of 2nd?  . Additionally, I would like to modify the email message.  How can I do this within the bulk send envelope without modifying each individual recipients envelope?  
I know I can “correct” a single envelope, but don’t wish to repeat the process 100+ times.

Per the following link there are batch actions that can be performed in a Bulk Send, however, I do not see nor do I recall any option to edit the Recipient structure in a batch. Beyond doing a batch void and new Bulk Send, I cannot think of further options.

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