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  • 29 March 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello all...brand new docusign user here and I am trying to figure out how to merge data from a spreadsheet to a template.  I don’t think I am using the correct language to search for the help I need so I thought I would try you guys.



@Dave Mills Typically when I hear spreadsheet I think MS Excel and either a CSV or XLS type file.  The DocuSign application has an ability to create a Template then use that Template to send out bulk amount of envelopes based on a CSV file (also can do smaller manual bulk sends). The Bulk Send using the CSV can not only create a large number of envelope based on the Name and Email address but also bring in data from the CSV file to prefill fields.  I would direct you over to the following article to see if that fits your needs.

Hello @Dave Mills ,

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Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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