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I am the sender of a document, the first signer said there was a mistake they entered on their section of the document. Now the document is off to sender two. Is there a way to send the document back to sender one to allow them to revise their mistakes? 


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community. 

You can apply changes to any envelope or recipient that has not been marked as completed.  

Once a recipient completes their action (or the envelope), the system will not accept any further alterations.  Because of this, you will be required to recreate it.

You can find more details regarding how to correct an envelope, here: 

Feel free to let us know if you have any follow-up questions and we will address them as soon as possible. 

Please click "Select as Best" below if you found the answer to be a valid solution to your issue! 

Best regards, 

Alejandro R. 

Community Moderator. 

how do u make a correction?


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community. 

You can correct an envelope under Manage>Sent>Actions>Correct.

For detailed steps on the process, please read the guide provided below: 

Please click "Select as Best" below if you found the answer to be a valid solution to your issue! 

Best regards, 

Alejandro R. 

Community Moderator. 
