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One of our users noticed the "Markup History" on the bottom of one of their completed emails while testing. It is believed that this will confuse the users, if they see it in the email. Is there a way that this can be removed from the emails? I searched the Signing and Email resource files in their brand for "Markup History", but came up with nothing. Thanks in advance!!

I found the answer to this. It was hidden under  [Conditional: Information]] in the email resource file. I removed the line and the Markup History has been removed from the completed emails.

Hi, Welcome back to the DocuSign Support Community!

Thank you for coming back to the Community and sharing that tip - it is appreciated!


Can you please explain how to access that part? I was not able to find that information to change.

Thank you

Hi, I also ran into this problem and having tried the support team, I found the following solution.

Within the email resource xml file (under the branding section of the admin area), search for the tag <data name="RecipientEnvelopeComplete_HtmlBody">

Within this section (use highlighting to see where the section starts and ends), look for and delete the following entry:

>[Conditional:Information]]<p style="font-size:15px;color:#333333;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;line-height:20px;">;[Data:Information]]</p>

This should remove the "Mark up history" section from emails.

Hopefully this works for you - it worked for me.


[[Conditional: Information]]  had no effect on the Markup History in the email for me.  Here is how we solved with the help of Premium Support:

Go to Docusign Admin

Click Brands

For each Brand 

Select Brand

Selct Resource Files (bottom of page)

Select Email Resource File

Click Download Master

Show In Folder (on your PC)

Edit with Notepad++ (or similar xml editor)

Find Replace - ALL to Thank you for your business, or some other catchy phrase, or nothing.   


                Thank you for your business.

Click Upload on Email Resource File (or elipses and replace if this is not your first change)

- I'm trying to do the same thing and remove the Markup History from the emails, what string do you find and replace in the XML?  Like suggested, I deleted the entire string but it had no effect:

p>Conditional:Information]]<p style="font-size:15px;color:#333333;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;line-height:20px;">t;Data:Information]]</p>

What exactly did you find and replace in your XML?

