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If I have sent an email to the wrong email address can that person see the document after I’ve corrected it?  

I sent it to the wrong person.  I was able to correct and send to the right person before the wrong person opened it.  Can the first person (the wrong person) still see the document? 


No, after you corrected the envelope and removed the wrong person from the signing workflow, they will be unable to access the document anymore. In your case they lost access and if you checked that they did not open the document, they have never viewed the content and will not be able to do so in the future as well.

@Michael.Rave what error message will the person receive that was originally assigned to the document?


The recipient will receive another email when you correct the envelope. The default message is:

“<<Sender Name» has corrected <<Document Name»

As a result, you no longer have access.”


Clicking on the email link will redirect them to the following error page:

