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I have not been able to see any of my activity in DocuSign for about six months. When I log in to DocuSign, it shows zero activity in the overview, which is wrong. What do I need to do to straighten this problem out and see my DocuSign activity?


So to clarify you are logging into DocuSign and then going to Reports...then no data is shown in the Overview set of graphs? By default it is set to 1 month, does it show any data if you change it to 12 months?

Also is this a Production environment or a Sandbox? I ask cause Sandbox data can be purged regularly from an envelope standpoint. Production even has purge settings but need to be set as to what to purge.

I would also suggest just sending a test envelope and checking the Report called Usage > User Activity Report to verify that information was logged. If not logged I would create a DocuSign Support case to get assistance.

Thanks for the reply, David.

I still see no mention of any activity when I change the option from 1 month to 12 months. I don't know if this is production or sandbox...I can not do much, I know that.

I'll try the test envelope you suggest. I handn't thought of that. Thanks!

Also check under the upper right, the Profile picture and see if there is a Switch Account. You could have multiple accounts and only one has associated data.

How do you login? This would tell you if this is Production or Sandbox:



Ah HA! I knew there was a way to tell if I had one version or another. I have the Production version. Also, I did the test and it worked fine, so I'm guessing one of my envelopes was purged, expired, or was voided by someone who has authority.

I only have one account. Now to get a new travel reimbursement done and moving along.

thanks again.

Glad I could help. The only way it could have been removed was by Deletion or Purge, expired or voided (envelope status) will still stay in your Inbox.
