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A witness is required to sign a document in an envelope sent out to them. The signer specifies their witness. Is there any way in which you can limit the witness viewing the whole document within the DocuSign envelope and just limit their viewing/access to the signing page they are required to sign?

I have had a look on “Sending Settings” visibility for envelope recipients but it does not give me an option to change the Document Visibility within this tab.  

There is also a Note stating that “A document cannot be hidden from a recipient if the recipient has tabs assigned to them on the document”.

This indicates to me that if a witness has tabs on a document, there is no way to limit that witness from viewing the full document and only limiting their access to the signing page in question. 

I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this to see if my request is possible?

Thank you

You can look to use the Document Visibility setting and then just have a signing page section that everyone can see and the actual Signer (not Witness) can see the whole document.



Thanks Robert. The problem I have is that I cannot locate the Document Visibility setting when signed in?

Please can you point me in the right direction to find this. 

Thank you 

You will need to check it is enabled in the Settings then Sending Settings.

I recommend setting it to “must sign to view unless member of sending account”

Then when you are in the document on the right hand side there is a gear wheel click that and you should see document visibility.  If you select that then you will see the documents and who has access to view that document.

Remember it is Documents not pages in a document so you would need 2 documents.  The contract and then the signing sheet.  Add something for the intended signer to do on the contract and then the witness and contract signer on the second one.





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