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Hello, after I sent out the documents, one of the receivers told me that he didn’t receive it, after checking, I sent the envelope to the wrong email address… and another receiver already e-sign the document, how could I correct/revise the wrong email?

@Susan Yang 

To correct or revise the wrong email address for an envelope where another recipient has already signed the document, you can follow these steps based on the DocuSign guidelines:

  1. Access the Envelope:

    • Log in to your DocuSign account.
    • Go to the Agreements tab and find the envelope in question.
  2. Correct the Envelope:

    • Select the envelope that contains the error.
    • Click on Correct. This option allows you to make changes to the recipient information, documents, and other settings.
  3. Change the Recipient Email:

    • In the recipient list, find the recipient with the incorrect email address.
    • Update the email address to the correct one.
  4. Review and Resend:

    • Once the email address is updated, review the envelope details.
    • Click Send to resend the document to the correct email address.


Thanks for replying to my query.  I tried to follow the step to change/correct the recipient email, but I was stuck in step 2, I can’t find the “Correct”… There are only options for resent, move, copy, void, history, export as CSV, and Delete… Did I miss anything?



@Susan Yang 

You might want to contact DocuSign customer support.   Not sure why you would not have the Correct option.


Hello @Susan Yang ,

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Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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