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My completed folders aren't sorting by most recently signed. I have to keep changing my filter to "Last 24 Hours" in order to see the clients that are signing today. There is a drop-down arrow next to "last change" that suggests I can click it to sort my envelopes, but it's not an active arrow. Please see attached screen shots. Is it possible my version is just locked by my company?


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

We have received multiple reports from different users describing this behavior with the completed envelopes and the way they are being sorted. However, our team is already working on having this fixed, at the moment I would recommend running an Envelope Report to be able to find any old envelopes, I also recommend keeping an eye out on our Release notes for any new updates on this issue:

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. You can also create a case with customer support if you would like any updates, you can reference the following ticket number: SNDFND-5182

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

Wow, thank you so much for the VERY quick reply! I am happy to know it’s not just “user error,” LOL!
My “workaround” is working ok, for now, but we’re approaching our Fiscal Year End and the rest of this month is going to get pretty busy…

Thanks again! I’ll definitely keep looking for those release notes! 😊

Lori Roman

Im having this same issue. Is there a fix? I'm getting all messed up. The older completed are coming up before recent completed DocuSign.

Hi – Not that I know of… I received a reply that it was a known issue and I suppose “they’re working on it…” In the meantime, my workaround has been to change my filter to anything within the last 24 hours to find the most recent items… It’s not perfect, but it helps. GOOD LUCK!!
