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The form has both text fields and 100+ radio buttons of which only 5-7 are applicable to the selected person - ie ranges of compensation, net worth, number of dependents, etc. I have pre-selected the answers, but want the ability of the client to change along with edit text fields. Hence, want to sent the doc as is for editing and signature. If I give recipient editing control all the buttons are turned on, pre-selections lost and comes back with all buttons with an X. Thanks

I use a Template and set the values of the Radio Buttons as the Sender, then these Radio Button Tags are set to the color of the Recipient who needs to update or change them as well as the Radio Buttons being editable (disable Ready Only). This could be done as easily using just Send and Envelope in the same exact manner....add the Radio buttons without Read only, preset these Radios by using the right field control panel and color coding the Radio buttons to the appropriate Recipient.
