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How do I remove my signature wrongly placed on document ?


When I created the envelope with 4 signatories (2 for my company and 2 for the counterpart) it seems that I put my signature for each position - how can i remove the signature for the three other positions ?

Thanks a lot

2 replies

Docusign Employee

Hello, @Gerard 


You are welcome to the Docusign Community!


Since you are the Sender of the envelope, you need to click in the Correct button then change/remove the fields from the document, correcting an envelope only permit to change the fields not yet signed by a signer, if it’s already signed you cannot change them.


After concluding the correction, click in the Send button. 


Let me know if I answered your question. Use the @ with my name so I’ll be notified.




  • Community Moderator
  • 2554 replies
  • June 5, 2024

Hello @Gerard ,

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Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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