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There has to be an easier way to copy and paste the same fields and easily change recipients without having to drag them one by one from the left to the right. So, let’s say I have nine recipients, all needing to sign the same fields. I copy them all as a group, change recipients, then paste them, they are still coded to the previous recipient. When I change the recipient, it changes all of them. 

Why would it do this? 

I’m pulling my hair out here because it shouldn’t be this difficult.

Hello, @sjohnson 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


You can select the fields, copy (Ctrl_C) & paste (Ctrl+V).

After pasting the copied fields take a look in the right panel then change the recipient to another one. Repeat this to the others.


Now, the best way to place fields automatically and quickly is using the feature Auto Place.
Take a look in this video. 


I hope that helps!


I still don’t know why it has to be this complicated. 

When I try your first recommendation, it changes the field for all recipients, not just the one, but all of them. There is no difference if I use the left or right recipient panel. 

The second one in the video, what even is this? 

Yeah, the first recommendation did not work at all. When I change the recipients, it changes them on both forms. 

Hello @sjohnson ,


Welcome to the DocuSign Community and thank you for posting your concerns!


I’m sorry to hear that the fields are not copying and pasting as you expected. I understand you’re trying to copy the fields but each time you change the recipient for those fields all the other fields also change.


What you are experiencing could be due to a backend feature called “Data Population Scope” that is most likely set on “envelope” instead of “document”, what that feature does is provide different data labels to the fields and making them unique. The feature is an account wide feature: Fields and Properties


Now, before trying to create a case, what you can try is to create a copy of one field > on the right panel go to DataLabel > add a number at the end > change the recipient to the needed one: Troubleshoot data replicating in multiple fields on an envelope


If that works, than you can select several fields copy them and move them so they are not on top of the other fields, change the data label, select them again and change the recipient to the needed one. Otherwise, you can change the option from envelope to document (if you do not have the option, you would need to create a case: ).


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

Hello @sjohnson ,

If you found my response to be a useful solution to your question, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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