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When there is a "date signed" field I want the time stamp also included in every document I send in a template? How can I add this feature?


I believe You want to add 'time' to the date in "date signed" as below on the pic.?


It is interesting, because I tried to find the way to have the date only. But all date formats have both - date and time.

We may set date formats in three places:

  1. Admin >>>Regional settings - it's for whole account and you may decide what format will be used if You have admin rights.

There is a checkbox "Allow users to set their own Time Zone and Date Format". If it is checked, you may change it:

2. in "My preferences" menu (upright menu under the picture) or

3. in the "My Profile" if You have defined it (access as into 'My preferences')

If You want to place time stamp with the sending time, You have to define Yourself as the first recipient and put only one field for You: "Date Signed".

Like if I helped. If not - ask.


I am sorry, I forgot - one more and the most important setting in this case:

In the Settings, >>> SIGNING AND SENDING>>>Signing Settings>>>Document Formatting You have two setting fields: 'Current Date Format' & 'Current Time Format'. If You have "none" in Current Time Format You will have no time stamp in Date signed text.

How do you access the admin panel> 

 I have exact requirement to update timestamp against a signature as you have shown in the attached image. What do I have to do if I want to update timestamp against signature of some other user?
