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I am trying to work out how to send what is, to me, a complicated bulk send, and I am at a loss as to how to proceed.

I want to be able to send the same contract to multiple people. Each contract will require 4 separate signatures, 2 of which are from a recipient group. The signatures must be in order.

To provide an example, a contract needs to be sent to people in the following strict order:

  • Person 1, and then
  • back to our organisation for approval (by one of 3 people - hence the recipient group).
  • Person 2, and then
  • back to our organisation for final approval (by one of 3 people again).

To complicate further, I would like to do a bulk send, because we send around 20 contracts at the same time, but each one is a discrete contract that must only go to the relevant people.

I have tested this internally, but it doesn’t seem to work consistently, and I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

Apologies if this is really rather simple, but I’m new to DocuSign, and can’t seem to find how to do this. Any help would be appreciated!

Many thanks,


@Grimshaw L 

Hi Lisa, are you aware of this Docusign Support article? It has all details available related to Bulk Send and what you mention should be feasible.

I would create the template first, set up the recipients (including the signing groups) and signing order. 

In the CSV file for the actual Bulk Send you then only need to include the 2 dynamic persons and the data fields that have different values for each contract/envelope, if there are any. 

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