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I would like to send 4 documents to the same people. So I've added all 4 documents to the same action.

I add the signature requests under the names without any problem for the 4 documents.

However, a colored bookmark appears. But there's also a larger grey bookmark.

Despite the 4 documents with the same number of signatures requested, sometimes the gray bookmark appears and so does a bookmark the color of one signature request. It’s not the same for the 4 documents and I don’t understand why.

I don't know what it's for or what it means, and I don't want the recipients to be unable to sign.

Thank you for your help !


Are you able to provide a few screenshots with the fields you assigned to better understand your problem? I struggle to understand what you are referring to as bookmark, either the coloured bookmark or the grey one. It may just be a different word in my terminology, so a picture would help. 

I understand that you want signature fields on all 4 documents for the same people. In DocuSign the color or the field shows you to whom the field is assigned to. For the first recipient the color is yellow. Every signature field assigned to them will be yellow on all 4 documents in the envelope.

Hello, I may be using the wrong word. It's a rectangle that ends in an arrow or triangle. It normally appears with each signature in a different color. But I don't understand why - it's the first time I want to have 4 documents signed at the same time - when I add my recipients, and the place to sign, it displays this rectangle arrow mark in gray and why it also displays just a yellow one when I have about ten people to sign. All their marks don't show up even though I've added the places to sign. And between the 4 documents, I have the same number of people to sign but sometimes only the grey mark appears and sometimes the yellow one too, but not the others. I would like to know the meaning of that. If you still don’t quite understand, I can provide a screenshot tomorrow.


The number of documents is not relevant and the behaviour will be the same if it is a single document or many documents. Please upload a screenshot, which makes it easier to understand what exactly you are dealing with to provide a solution. Thank you!

Here the screenshot.



Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


We are glad to have you here and can't wait to help share as much knowledge as possible.


I understand that you want to know what the grey bookmark in your documents mean, and I will share more details on the topic.


The reason behind the grey bookmark in the thumbprint view of your documents is that there were pre-fill fields in that specific document page.


Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance with this. 


Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 


Best regards,


Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator  


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