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I am missing an essential feature in Docusign in my role as signatory of contracts: A proof reading loop with my legal department and experts when I get something to sign. If I receive a signature request I would like to "delegate" it for a proof reading to my legal - may be similar as delegating signature. Anyway this should forward the envelope to one or more email and add it to the signing process. The legal person should have the possiblity to approve it for signing and after clicking on "finish proof" should be asked for a comment. Then I would get the envelope back with the comment and would be sure, that I can sign it. Maybe it should be selectable, if such a loop is documented in certificate or not

In addition a role "proof" should be possible, which would allow the sender to define a proof reading address and then forwarding to the signatory. I can circumvent this by adding the proof reader in the signatory order and place an ok-button with some notes. An implemented feature for this would be preferred.

I think such a routinge would be welcoome for almost all institutions as it is routine, that the signatory does not check the document in detail...


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

I understand you would like DocuSign to develop a role called "Proof" where the signer can forward the document to a legal advisor so that they can accept and provide comments on the document.

DocuSign does have a similar feature called Witness, where the signer can provide the name and email of this witness to sign off on the documents:

However, Feedback that can improve our users’ experience is always more than welcome. 

We’ll provide it to the Product team that is closely aligned with the area associated with the feedback. They will review it and determine the next steps.

In the near future, we will have a Community section that is dedicated to customer suggestions/feedback. You all will have the ability to upvote on what’s important and needed. 

If you’re a DocuSign Administrator for a corporate plan, you have the additional option of filing your request directly when you’re logged into your account. You’ll be able to click the “Give Feedback” button at the bottom of the screen in order to submit your idea.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Thanks to Docusign for the Ansswer. I understand the wittness-feature, but it is not the same. It should be a feature for the signatory to delegate an envelope to somebody else to proofread. It should also be possible to add a proofreader to the envelope for the sender - in this case, the proofreaser would get the envelope befor the signatory and could accept or reject it. It is a standard procedure iin many many many companies, that the legal department checks a contract before the CEO signs it. Its the same for me - I get a docusign from elsewhere I have been waiting for, but I want my CLO to proofread it before I sign. So I would like to click -> send for proof and would get it back with or without message after my CLO has checked it. Some companies would directly send it to my CLO who coul then forward it to me for signature... Both would be Ok as routine process (also the latter could be simulated with forwarding function).

Please also see my request that the number of signatories of a company is not specified when sending an envelope...


Thank you for reaching back.

Thank you for providing further information on your request and the other one posted on the community, I will update the feedback provided with the extra information for this and the other post regarding "Designating For Signature".

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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