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Hi All DocuSign Expert,


My name is Fendri and I am one of DocuSign partner based in Indonesia.

I need your advice about one question that come from my customer.

Is there anyway to prevent sender (DocuSign user) to send the envelopes outside organization?

For example, they don’t want sender to send envelopes to personal email (like or

Is that possible? If possible, please let me know how to do it.

Thank you.





No, you cannot apply a restriction in Docusign eSignature to limit recipients based on a domain level. Senders can type in every email address they can think of.

You can only do this in via the API and having a different application, website or portal before that, where you can implement the logic to not accept those personal emails and then create the Docusign envelope automatically after the desired user input.

Hi @Michael.Rave ,

Noted, thank you for your information.

Meaning we only can do that if we integrate DocuSign with other application and create the logic to block those personal emails. Am I right?

Thank you.


Yes, that logic to block those personal emails need to be outside of Docusign eSignature.

​Hi @Fendri,


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Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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