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Hi, If I am negotating a deal and send one envelope to both parties for signing, and one wants changes made, I make corrections then send again for signing, all still with the one envelope and same people, will I get charged each time I send? or is this one charge until the envelope is closed?


In DocuSign, the way charges work is based on the concept of envelopes in most cases. An envelope is considered "used" when it is sent out or delivered for signing. According to DocuSign's pricing model, if you make corrections or need to resend the same envelope to the same recipients, this does not count as a new envelope, so you would not be charged multiple times.

Key Points:

  • Resending or Correcting: If you make corrections and resend the envelope to the same recipients, this is still considered part of the same transaction. You will not incur additional charges just for making corrections or resending the envelope.
  • Envelope Status: The envelope is considered "active" until all parties have completed their actions (e.g., signing), at which point it is "completed." You are only charged once for an envelope when it is initially sent.

So, to directly answer your question, as long as you're resending or making changes within the same envelope and to the same recipients, it will be counted as one charge until the envelope is finally closed.

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