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I have contract renewal data maintained in Excel sheet and looking to automate the contract renewal process  where as per due date DocuSign initiation process should automatically gets triggered for signers signature.


Hey there! I don’t think DocuSign alone will let you accomplish what you’re trying to do, but DocuSign's integration with Microsoft’s Power Automate service would totally allow you to create automated workflows that can trigger DocuSign actions based on specific criteria or events in Excel. Here’s some more information straight from DocuSign about their Power Automate integration

I suspect it will take a little trial and error to find the best approach, but if you’ve got access to Power Automate, you should absolutely give it a shot. 

If you’re interested but new to Power Automate, Microsoft got an incredible community (just like DocuSign) to lean on over there, and don’t forget the DocuSign community has a section specifically for integrations with Microsoft more generally. Might be worth cross-posting there as well. 


I hope that helps! Be sure to “Select as Best" below if you find my answer a valid solution to your question! And be sure to keep us updated here if you end up trying this out. 

Hello @Raghubir ,

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Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator
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