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we are facing an issue with DS, in which signatories and people set in cc are being asked to login 2 or 3 times before they can open the document; and in some cases, they get an error message after they login.

Hello, @Munish veda 


You are welcome to the Docusign Community!


By default, signers does not need a Docusign account to sign a document.


That setting probably has been changed by your admin requesting to all signers login with a Docusign account, it seems the case here. If the setting Required login is enabled then all signers need to have a Docusign account.


These are the security settings affecting the signers access to the envelopes (images below), so check with your eSignature Admin how those are configured.


It’s under Security Settings section


It’s under Security Settings section


Let me know if I answered your question.




Hello @Munish veda ,

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Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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