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Is there a way to force the same date format across all signers of the same document?

I created a document with 3 signers, myself being one of them.  When the first 2 signed, their date format came back as DD/MM/YYYY but mine  shows as MM/DD/YY.  See the attached photo.  So now the actual PDF looks like they signed on January 4th (1/4) and I signed on April 3 (4/3).   As the sender, can I force the date format to be the one I desire across ALL signers?  The way it is now makes it look like we signed months apart, when actually it was just 1 day apart.


Yes, there is.   That is a Regional setting that can be changed at the account level under settings for the account.  Unchecked the box “Allow users to set their own Time Zone and Date Format” and “When using the Date Signed field, which Time Zone should be used?” check “Account Default.”

Thanks for the help, but I don’t see that option anywhere in settings….

To get to settings, I’m clicking the circle that has my initials in it in the upper right of the main page.  THen clicking My Preferences.  Then at the top I click Settings.

The closes thing I find is under Signing and Sending → Signing Settings and there’s a section that says “Apply the following formats to the Date Signed field:


Even if i search for settings in the Overview section, I don’t see that option:


There is another section of settings right after I click “My Preferences” that shows “Regional Settings” as you note, but it’s not there either:


I should have mention you need to have Admin access to your DocuSign account.  If you are an Admin to your DocuSign account, your should see Settings from the Home page. 


Right - I am the admin.  That “Settings” you highlight is the settings I was referring to in my reply.  But I couldn’t find those checkboxes you mentioned under those Settings.


Hi @joer,


I hope you are doing well.


I would like to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,


Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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