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Customize template subject line

  • 22 August 2024
  • 5 replies

We would like to customize the subject line of a template to include a unique identifier so that we can easily identify the envelope and corresponding emails accordingly. We send many of the same contract types (a template) to the same partners (one of the routing recipients) so name and email addresses do not make the envelopes distinguishable. For example, we send the template for Purchase Order Type #6 to a vendor called ABC Inc. 20 times per year. All of the envelopes and emails are named something “Purchase Order Type #6_ABC Inc.” and so are indistinguishable from one another. We would like instead to be able to include the purchase order number associated with that specific envelope in the subject line such as  “Purchase Order Type #6_ABC Inc._456546”. Thus, the “456546” tag is unique and so can be easily identified, organized, and aligned with our other administrative systems.

I have seen in other DocuSign Community threads that it is possible to use the document name in the template subject line. However, in the example shared above, this would not be helpful since the template uses the same underlying fillable PDF (named “Purchase Order Type #6”) over and over so the resulting subject lines would still be indistinguishable.

Can anyone recommend a solution?


I suggest to add an envelope custom field (ECF) to the template, where you enter the unique number. Make it mandatory so the sender needs to provide a value. You can include the ECF placeholder in the email subject in your template.

The other option is to leave the document name in the email subject and manually rename the document before sending, This is not as intuitive as the solution with the ECF, but both options work to achieve this.

Not sure if you want to change the document name or send emails with subject including the po#.  if you want to change the name you can do that with a step in clm called rename document.  If you want to put that in the subject line of an email, you can have a variable for po# and add it to the subject line.
Purchase Order Type #6_ABC Inc_<%#Variable.PO#%>

Hi @Michael.Rave. I explored the Envelope Custom Field option and this would do exactly what we need except that I left out the fact that we are using a DocuSign-Smartsheet integration whereby the DocuSign template is automatically populating and routing based on the information in our Smartsheet when triggered. We are able to pull names and email addresses into our template routing and can fully populate the underlying PDF template but I do not see a way to connect Smartsheet data to the Envelope Custom Field. We might be able to theoretically add in the information using the “correct” envelope feature but that would be a fairly disorganized and inefficient workaround. Any ideas on how to solve this? As mentioned, if we were routing documents right out of DocuSign ECFs would be an ideal solution.

We would have the same issues with the second option since we are triggering automation in Smartsheet to route DocuSign envelopes and so are not regularly accessing DocuSign directly.


That is indeed an important fact. I am not deeply familiar with the connector from Smartsheet to Docusign, so I cannot tell you, if that connector allows to provide values for envelope custom fields or not. 

Most connectors that are being developed by partners like Smartsheet, initially have a specific scope and only implement those features their design team has identified. Unfortunately, envelope custom fields is often not available and needs to be added by the partner. Having build several connector myself I can tell that it is not complicated, but someone needs to spend a few hours to implement and test it.

The connector is being developed by Smartsheet, so raising an enhancement request with them to add this feature to the connector may lead to this being available in the future.

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