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Corrections to a document



I viewed the video related to the ‘Correction’ feature. However, this seems to be referencing corrections to the envelope such as modifying the recipients, add new fields, add additional files. Is there a way to make corrections to the values within the field. For example. The document is sent for signature, the person responsible for reviewing and signing off sees an error, e.g. an incorrect amount value has been entered into a field. What is the process that would allow this type of correction to be made without having to VOID the entire envelope and start all over again. 

Thank you,



Best answer by JohnSantos


The Correction feature in DocuSign allows for modifications to certain aspects of an envelope, such as recipients, fields, or files, but it does not directly allow you to correct values within a field that has already been filled out and sent for signature.

If the recipient has not yet signed the document, you can use the Correct feature to adjust the field values. This includes updating incorrect data in a field, as long as it hasn't been completed by the recipient.

If the error is identified after the recipient has already signed, and the document hasn't been fully completed by all parties, you will not be able to Correct any of the areas for this recipient. To avoid this situation, consider adding a step in your workflow where documents are reviewed and validated for accuracy before sending them out for signature. This way, you can catch any errors before they become an issue.


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  • August 16, 2024


The Correction feature in DocuSign allows for modifications to certain aspects of an envelope, such as recipients, fields, or files, but it does not directly allow you to correct values within a field that has already been filled out and sent for signature.

If the recipient has not yet signed the document, you can use the Correct feature to adjust the field values. This includes updating incorrect data in a field, as long as it hasn't been completed by the recipient.

If the error is identified after the recipient has already signed, and the document hasn't been fully completed by all parties, you will not be able to Correct any of the areas for this recipient. To avoid this situation, consider adding a step in your workflow where documents are reviewed and validated for accuracy before sending them out for signature. This way, you can catch any errors before they become an issue.


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  • August 16, 2024


In my example. The sender (step 1) has forwarded to the signer (step 2). The signer in step has not signed yet because an error was detected in one of the values in a field. If the recipient in step 2 clicks on Correct non of the fields that had already been populated can be changed. 


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  • August 16, 2024


Is the field you want to change currently assigned to any of the signers?

If so, and the field is part of the original document, you will need to void the envelope. Once a signer has signed the document, it becomes locked to preserve its integrity, preventing further changes.

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  • August 19, 2024

Hello @JohnSantos 

“To avoid this situation, consider adding a step in your workflow where documents are reviewed and validated for accuracy before sending them out for signature. This way, you can catch any errors before they become an issue.”

Are you able to provide an example on how to do this based on the screenshot I included? I am very new to DocuSign. 


Thank you,



Hi @nmagalhaes,

I hope you are doing well.

I want to confirm if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.

You can use the Collaborative Fields option between the sender and the reviewer. Collaborative fields allow selected recipients to collaborate on text, radio button, drop down, and check box fields. Recipients can propose changes to the document, and all changes and approvals are recorded in the secure audit trail. Collaborative fields can be updated by the owner recipient and by all recipients selected as collaborators.


Best regards,

 Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.


Hi @nmagalhaes,

I hope you are doing well.

I want to confirm if you were able to solve your issue by utilizing the suggested solution or if the information provided was useful. If so, please mark it as the best answer by clicking “Select as Best” to make it easier for other users to find. Otherwise, let me know and I will gladly help you address the situation as soon as possible.


Best regards,

Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.


My version of this issue is that the recipient has viewed & opened the document, but not signed it.  Yet still the ability to edit specific field values was locked? 

  • Digital Collaborator
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  • October 22, 2024


I believe only the sender/owner of the envelope can make corrections. If you are the sender/owner and the document is locked, perhaps it is because the recipient still has the envelope open? 

You can try the usual troubleshooting (log out, log in. Try a different browser. Clear cache...)


good luck


mr1 wrote:


I believe only the sender/owner of the envelope can make corrections. If you are the sender/owner and the document is locked, perhaps it is because the recipient still has the envelope open? 

You can try the usual troubleshooting (log out, log in. Try a different browser. Clear cache...)


good luck


Thank you - The user ended up voiding the envelope and starting again but its good to understand our options for any future instances. 

Have a fab day! 


  • Newcomer
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  • March 17, 2025

I have a docusign document (lease) that needs dating.


In some of the definitions, the text boxes have been missed therefore I won’t be able to add in the relevant information in docusign at the time of dating. I can edit the pdf immediately after to add those in, but do I need to add a statement on the front page that advises that has been done?