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Hello - we have packets of forms our team creates for our clients and routes for signature. In the first step, the team member preparing the packet fills in several pre-fill tool fields that are specific to the client (client address, phone number, payment amount, etc.).

In our workflow, the first signer is the team manager who signs the documents for our company and talks through them with the client. Is there a way we can allow the first signer (team manager) to edit the information in those pre-fill tool fields? The second signer (client) should not be able to change those.

Thank you for the guidance!


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community. 

Within DocuSign eSignature, recipients are only allowed to act upon fields that were assigned to them, unless, the fields in question have been marked as "Collaborative Fields".

Once a recipient completes their action, the data entered into the fields will be burned into the PDF document and will be available to all remaining recipients in your signing order.

Taking this into consideration, if you have not set the fields as "Collaborative" then your signer will be allowed to update the text entered in the Pre-Filled fields as long as you haven't marked them as "Read Only".

These two settings are offered as part of the Field Properties menu that will show up on the right side of the screen, after clicking a given field.

For detailed steps on how to mark a field as "Collaborative" or "Read Only", see:

To set up a collaborative field

To add read-only fields to a document

Note: Some advanced features and options are supported only in certain DocuSign plans. Your account plan might not support some options discussed in this help topic. For more information about which options are available for your account, contact your account administrator. Or, visit our Plans and Pricing web page for more details on the features included with your plan. 

Compare eSignature plans & pricing 

Feel free to let us know if you need further assistance with this. 

Thank you for using DocuSign, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 

Best regards, 

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator 

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