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The scenario described by the business: the legal team is responsible for managing the e-contract signing processes via DocuSign, and in parallel provide the status of the signing progress to their internal stakeholder. The process of updating the stakeholders is done manually, and time consuming for the legal team, as a result, the legal team wants their internal stakeholders (with no access to DocuSign) to receive email notification each time there is a change in the e-signing process/status.


By default, all notification are turned on, and it doesn't fulfil the business needs.

Receives a copy - How can we utilize this to ensure at each stage of the transaction, the internal stakeholders will receive notification once each of the recipients actions on the envelope, consider a scenario we have 4 recipients to receive an envelope as shown below:

Recipient 1 - Needs to Sign - Notification to be sent once document is Signed

Recipient 2 - Needs to View - Notification to be sent once document is Viewed

Recipient 3 - Needs to Sign - Notification to be sent once document is Signed

Recipient 4 - Needs to Sign - Notification to be sent once document is Signed

@Munish veda 

Your requirement cannot be configured to this detail in the Docusign eSignature Web App.

Your can achieve this with some custom coding leveraging the Docusign APIs and Docusign Connect.


Hello @Munish veda ,


I believe you posted this same question as a reply to this thread, pleas view: to check the sent document with whom its pending

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