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Searchbar only allows me to search back upto 6 months when i try to click on any more than 6 it just goes back to 6.

@norburynorthwest When choosing the Filter on folder you are searching in make sure to select “Apply” and then run the Report.  A secondary option is to go through Reports if you are not going through the Agreements area.

DocuSign at last sent me a workaround that WORKS.

I received an email last night (2024-06-26 at 8:01 PM) from Katrina that reads in part:

          “As per checking on the screenshot you provided it seems that the screen of your browser was too                large can you try to reduce the zoom size of your browser by clicking the 3 dots on the upper right                  hand corner and look for the zoom and reduce the size.”


Note that my browser screen size was set at 100%, the “normal” size.  It appears that DocuSign is acknowledging that their update requires a minimized screen size (at least in Edge) in order to access documents completed more than six months ago.  A 100% screen size is “too large.”


These instructions worked for Microsoft Edge, which is what I mostly use.  I clicked on the three dots in the upper right, clicked on the “Zoom   -- 100%  +” selection, then clicked on the minus (--) symbol to the left of the 100% until the screen shrank enough--I used 80%--to reveal the missing blue “Apply” button.  

Good luck.  I’m not sure if these instructions will work in other browsers.  You could always temporarily switch to Edge, retrieve your documents, and go back to your regular browser.

Hello @norburynorthwest ,

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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