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I initiate contracts from the account and ideally, when I set up a contract I would put in all signers and then cc a number of people. Is there a way to redact information in the set up so that certain ccs receive a redacted version of said contract, while others receive the whole thing?

There is no way to redact information from only some of the recipients. There is a feature in DocuSign to conceal the value entered in a text field with asterisks for all recipients. Only the sender or owner of the envelope can access the value by viewing the Form Data for the envelope.

To learn more about this see ( Concealed Fields



You might also be able to utilize our Document Visibility Feature. Learn more in the related discussion ( Signers Visibility to other Signatures in the same document

Good suggestion, Marc, but it probably won't help in this scenario. Document Visibility hides entire documents from recipients who have no fields assigned on those documents. Also a CC recipient who has no fields assigned at all automatically sees all documents.  In the scenario above, they want to hide only certain pieces of data from CC recipients which Document Visbility won't solve.


