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In my template I need to use the text/name field in the middle of a paragraph.  But the length of the text/name will be different each time I use the template and will either overwrite the existing paragraph text or will leave space between words where it isn’t needed.   

@M. Hake 

This is possible, but will require the document generation for DocuSign eSignature add-on to generate a clean document.

Without this feature the fields you add are not merged into the document, but will overlay the PDF and the observed behaviour can happen if the placeholder is not wide enough. As a result the input value will then overlap with the text after it in the paragraph. You may update the document to have a wider placeholder to cater for the longer entries, but it will look a little strange for short values then. If the placeholder is not within a paragraph and there is no text directly after, you will be able to create clean documents.

Hi @M. Hake,


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Best regards,   

Alejandro R. | DocuSign Community Moderator   

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