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Can a folder be shared?

Yes, folders can be shared for both Envelopes and Templates but they act a little differently, here is a DocuSign article on the topic of Shared Envelopes and how this can be setup by your DocuSign Admin. You did not specify whether the "share" was envelopes or Templates so I was a vague to cover both....

Here is an article on shared Template folders...

So, is not possible to share folders? You are able to share accounts and templates but not normal folders, right?

+1 that link makes it seem like it is not possible. We are also wondering if it possible to just share folders?

Also, the terminology used 'shared envelopes' is confusing and bad...

@Rogerio De Melo Juiz​  @Cassy Aite​  Lets me clarify more specifically but again it has not been made clear if you are trying to Share Templates or Share Envelopes which impacts the answer.

You can share Template folders or individual Templates.

You can also share envelopes between Users but you cannot share just a specific envelope or just envelopes in a user folder, the shared envelopes is "all" envelopes. When you enable shared envelopes you are sharing all envelopes and all folders for that User. It sounds like you want to limit what can be seen and that to my knowledge is not possible currently.

Is it possible to share a folder with completed envelopes?

@Gilberto Brito​ Sadly no as this is sharing of envelopes so its all or nothing.

Regards, Robert

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So what am I supposed to I do if I want to collaborate with one colleague on customer facing contracts and don't want him to see our confidential employment contracts?

@Christopher Priebe​ You could use an outside Cloud Storage source like One drive or BOX to save completed documents from a specific Templates (envelopes) then share the Cloud folders for collaboration. You could use multiple User account to send specific envelopes from specific Users (or use a Powerform which always has the same Sender) to limit envelopes to one User and hence sharing is more manageable.

This is a terrible user experience, would have expected role-based access control or at least visibility across groups or folders from such an expensive tool.

Its indeed really a shame that Folders, as archive folders with signed envelopes, can not be shared between users with role bases access! :(

Does anyone know if this issue has been addressed? It really does seem insane that one of the most basic concepts in collaborative workspace, that of the granular sharing of folders, file types, etc isn’t implemented here.
