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I’m going to send a mailing to 2500 customers.

For this, I’m going to import an excel file, with the number of the customer, his name, and his mail.

The customer will have to fill some fields, and his answers will arrive in an excel on one drive.

For this : OK.

But… I would like, on each formular, to have a field with the corresponding customer’s number, imported from the adress file.

I know how to add an empty field for text, numbers, … but is it possible to have a prefilled field like this, with informations from an excel file ?

@sylvain.cazalet - I hope you are planning to use the Bulk Send feature in DocuSign.   If you do, you can customize your CSV file to include data to pre-populate your fields in addition to the customer's name and email address.  Remember that bulk send is limited to about 1000 records at the time, so you will need to have 3 separate lists to accommodate to your 2500 customers.

Hi @sylvain.cazalet,


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Christopher | Docusign Community Moderator

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