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Understanding Security Level on the Certificate of Completion

  • 28 June 2019
  • 3 replies

My Compliance team is working on auditing some of our past documentation and has asked some questions regarding the Security Level items on the Certificate of Completion page. Some of our envelopes are hosted by staff for In-Person signing and some are sent directly to signers to be signed but in both instances, the security level states "Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)" for both hosts of In-Person signings and for remote signers.

The question is what does this designation mean? I've read elsewhere that it indicates that a signer wasn't required to log in to DocuSign to sign, but our In-Person staff access their envelopes through their DS accounts, so that doesn't seem to be accurate. Could someone please break down this line for me to help me understand what the Certificate is stating?

Thanks for any help you can offer,

Owen Shultz

GT Independence

Based on my testing in my Sandbox the value in the Certificate for Security Level is directly affected by the following "Security Settings" in the Admin Console:

Login Requirements

Not Required to Login

Login Required if Signer Has an Account

Account Required – Login Once Per Session

Account Required – Login for Each New Envelope

Based on my testing if "Not Required to Login" is set then the value equals ""Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (None)"

If set to "Account Required – Login for Each New Envelope" then the value equals "Security Level: Email, Account Authentication (Required)"

I did not test the middle two options to determine what the outcome would be in the certificate.

Thats the same question we are having and Thank you @David Schmitz​ testing in Sandbox.

My next question, leading after your findings, is that, what happens to external parties if we set to login required?

@Abhishek Gupta​ External parties to your DocuSign Account would need to have their own DocuSign account even if it was a free trial or basic account. If they did not have a DocuSign account they would need to create one in order to take action on the envelope you sent with these restrictions.
