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If i have multiple signers for an envelope, how does it look on their end when others need to sign as well?


Can the other signers see other signature lines but are just grayed out? Can they also see who else has signed the document or which signature is pending?

Thank you so much for your time!

Best answer by Community Expert

What the Recipient sees depends on where they are in the process as well as what document are allowed for them to see. Lets say you have one document that requires 5 Recipients to sign and a Signing Order is used to go in a sequential order. The first Recipient signs and now the second Recipient receives an email notification, when the second Recipient open the envelope they see the document with the data entered by Recipient 1 as well as the Signature. Hence, the fifth Recipient will see the previous 4 Signatures. Now you could have a scenario, based on how you setup the envelope where the same 5 Recipients each have one document they have to sign so the envelope has a total of 5 documents. Using Document Visibility, only Recipient 1 will see document 1 and so on, hence no other Recipient would see the Signature of another Recipient.

To your second question, if any of the Recipients have a DocuSign Account they can track envelope progress through their account once they have received the envelope to take action. Otherwise with no DocuSign Account they cannot track any progress or see other Recipients (outside of what is on the document from previous Recipients).

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What the Recipient sees depends on where they are in the process as well as what document are allowed for them to see. Lets say you have one document that requires 5 Recipients to sign and a Signing Order is used to go in a sequential order. The first Recipient signs and now the second Recipient receives an email notification, when the second Recipient open the envelope they see the document with the data entered by Recipient 1 as well as the Signature. Hence, the fifth Recipient will see the previous 4 Signatures. Now you could have a scenario, based on how you setup the envelope where the same 5 Recipients each have one document they have to sign so the envelope has a total of 5 documents. Using Document Visibility, only Recipient 1 will see document 1 and so on, hence no other Recipient would see the Signature of another Recipient.

To your second question, if any of the Recipients have a DocuSign Account they can track envelope progress through their account once they have received the envelope to take action. Otherwise with no DocuSign Account they cannot track any progress or see other Recipients (outside of what is on the document from previous Recipients).


I have a related question - I send out tenancy agreements with text fields that I populate during my signing which include rent amount, dates etc as well as my signatures. I want to be able to fill out the text fields but sign later so that I sign after my tenant. Can my tenant see the text fields that I have filled out if I haven't signed the document? I need him to see the tenancy agreement as a work in progress document without my signature so that he can agree the contract with the fields I have populated with his signature before I then sign the document to make it a legal tenancy.


@Kate Day​  So I want to clarify this question, you are stating that you are let's say Recipient 5, and the fields you reference in your post are assigned to Recipient 5 along with a Signature block but you are adding data to text fields before sending the envelope out to the Recipients. Hence the question is because these fields are assigned to Recipient 5 but filled out immediately prior to sending the envelope, will Recipient 2 or 3 see those fields filled out?


@David Schmitz​ I have not put any signing order on the envelope as I thought that if I did, I would have to finish signing before the tenant saw the contract and I just want to fill in some of the fields assigned to me so that he can see them without me signing. So it goes out to both of us, I fill out my text fields but select sign later or finish later, whatever it is. But I don't think he sees what I've filled in until I've signed is that right? I guess if he could, and he signed on that basis, there would be nothing to stop me changing those fields later before I sign. So do I get round it by setting a signing order and sending it to myself twice in position 1 and 3, with the tenant as recipient 2? Or do I just edit the envelope everytime before I send it?


I would use Signing Order and you will need to enable a setting in the Admin Console . Sending Settings called "When an envelope is sent, write the initial value of the field for all recipients". So take this scenario....

You are set as Recipient 2 and Signing Order 2 and you are sending this envelope. You start the process And fill out as many fields as you want that are assigned to either Recipient 1 or Recipient 2 and then Send the envelope. Recipient 1 will get the envelope and because you enabled "When an envelope is sent, write the initial value of the field for all recipients" the Recipient 1 will see the data you entered into any fields on the document (including those fields assigned to Recipient 2) . Then Recipient 1 can then sign, hence sending the envelope back to you as Recipient 2 (Signing Order 2) so you can sign. Without the setting I mentioned then Recipient 1 would "not" see the data you entered upon sending the envelope (unless it was assigned to Recipient 1.

Basically you want to enable "When an envelope is sent, write the initial value of the field for all recipients", which solves the issue no matter the signing order or field assignment.


@David Schmitz​ Thanks so much - I'll have a go at that and see how I get on! K


@David Schmitz​ Do I have to alter the fields assigned to me or the other recipient using the edit function before I send the envelope? If I send it without using the edit function first, does it go to recipient 1 first and I can't enter data in the fields assigned to me before he's signed it?


When you select "Use" on the Template and you want to enter data into fields before you send it, then you need to select the Advanced Edit (I think that is what you meant). As the Sender you can add data to any field no matter whom it is assigned to and then Send the envelope. Whether they see that data or not depends on the setting mentioned earlier..."When an envelope is sent, write the initial value of the field for all recipients". So as the Sender you could add data to fields assigned to Recipient 1 or 2 or 3 etc. Based on your earlier post you are the Sender but also a Recipient later in the process after the client, so that makes the client Recipient 1 and you would be Recipient 2. As the Sender you could add data to any field, in your Use Case you are adding data to fields assigned to Recipient 2, so that Recipient 1 can see that data before deciding to sign (again must have "When an envelope is sent, write the initial value of the field for all recipients" for that to happen).


Thank you very much for your help - that was really useful so I understand what I'm doing now! The on-line help is very general and high level but I suppose they can't cover every scenario. 😊