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Has anyone ever gotten the error Role name includes unsupported special characters when trying to send a bulk DocuSign? I'm having issues all of a sudden.

It also says below that: Edit your template and bulk send list to remove the characters and retry. (I've tried to do this and I can't find anything wrong with this.) Any help is appreciated!

I get this message all the time and can't figure it out, it's driving me crazy!

I was getting the same error. I downloaded a copy of the sample CSV Template and copied and pasted over the Role titles in Row 1. Even though it looked like the same exact information there must have been something hidden or in the background in one or all of the fields noted. This solved the issue.

Thanks for your post, Personnel Records! This helps, but I'm still not clear about what you did, exactly. Did you past your own Role titles (from your own data source) over the Row titles in Row 1 of the CVS template, or did you past from the template to your own data document? I appreciate your reply!

I downloaded the sample CSV Template and copied it into my own data document as I knew it would be a "Pure Source" and should eliminate what DocuSign did not like in those fields. In this case, I was copying to another CSV I had created. We run large queries, sort and filter information, and then cut and paste large sections of data from those spreadsheets into a CSV to do a bulk merge. my guess is there was something left over from sorting and moving the information in the Role Name fields that DocuSign did not like :)
