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I am in the midst of creating user accounts. In the Permission Profile, may I know what is DS Admin, DS Viewer & DS Sender? Which should I select?

  • 21 July 2020
  • 2 replies

I am in the midst of creating user accounts. In the Permission Profile, may I know what is DS Admin, DS Viewer & DS Sender? Which should I select?


So briefly.

DS Admin - Full access to Settings to add/remove/update users and all the settings.

DS Sender - Access to Send documents to be signed no access to Admin Settings

DS Viewer - Limited account to log in and view documents with signing functions (no sending)

There are lots of settings/permissions that can be added changed removed depending on how you want it to be configured.

Hope this helps



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Thank you for the clarification. But isn’t everyone a default viewer ? If I’m sending an envelope to a person to sign it, they don’t require to have an account with docusign ?


Can someone explain the benefits or a case where it would be preferable of adding a user and give them a viewer permission  ?


Thank you,
