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Include SpringCM Variables in Email within Workflow

  • 30 July 2019
  • 4 replies

As part of my Workflow, I am sending an email to my Sales Rep if their Document has been Rejected by the Contracts Team.

The email is sent as expected and the tags from Salesforce all pull in correctly to the email.

The tags from the SpringCM Variables DO NOT PULL IN at all and show blank areas. I have tripled verified that I have the variables spelled/named correctly in the email and yet it is still not working.

I must be missing something? Or maybe there is a special way to add these in?

As an example...

SFDC Line that works: <%#XmlVariables.Params.Params.TemplateFieldData.Salesforce_Id.Quote_Number%>

SpringCM Line that does not work: <%#XmlVariables.Params.Params.TemplateFieldData.ContractsComments%>

Any ideas??

4 replies

Userlevel 1


Does your Params XML variable in your workflow contain a node for "ContractComments"? If so, then the syntax you have included should work. I assume that "ContractComments" is something that is not part of your Params variable, but might be a simple variable instead that you using to track workflow comments from various workflow actors collected as part of their step completion. If so, then you could use this instead in your SpringCM Emails to pull in simple variables...


Userlevel 3

This did the trick!!! Thank you so much Scott!!!

Userlevel 3

Hi Nicki,

I know that your question was answered but I thought I'd add a tip that has been helpful for me, as the syntax for variables can be confusing and non-obvious sometimes.

  1. First, pull up any step so the step properties show up on the right
  2. Locate the variable you want to add from the Variables tab on the left
  3. Drag the variable onto any empty field on the right panel, such as Display Name
  4. The correct syntax for inserting that variable will be auto-filled in the field
  5. Cut and paste that syntax to wherever you actually want to use it


Variable drag-and-drop

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

Cool trick
