On our DocGen form there is a field called “Requester Address”, and its Merge Tag is <# <Content Select="//Requester_Address" Optional="true"/> #> (“Original Merge Tag”)
I want to change “Requester Address” to “Requester Full Mailing Address” to make it more clear for the user. When I do this, the merge tag is automatically changed to <# <Content Select="//Requester_Full_Mailing_Address" Optional="true"/> #> (“New Merge Tag”)
Since we already have many Merge Template documents that use the Original Merge Tag, I do not wish to go back to all the Merge Template documents and update them to the New Merge Tag.
So I’m thinking that if I just use Edit Merge Tag and change
<# <Content Select="//Requester_Full_Mailing_Address" Optional="true"/> #>
back to
<# <Content Select="//Requester_Address" Optional="true"/> #>
then this should not disrupt anything and my Merge Template documents and workflows would continue to work without any problems.
Please advise if this is a correct approach. Thanks.