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An Ruby on Rails application that I support is failing to send an envelope after the login/consent-grant step in the flow diagram.  I receive a response to my callback URL with a ‘code’ parameter set:

This is followed by another request to the failure path:

My integration with DocuSign uses a Shibboleth/Duo-2-factor login identification with our college’s server and when I login to my using the same credentials I supplied to the app (API) I’m able to login, so the ‘invalid_credentials’ error doesn’t make sense unless something is a miss between the college’s Shibboleth/Duo credentials received by DocuSign.

I’ve looked through the documentation and haven’t found a reference to this “invalid_credentials” for some clue on what’s wrong and found nothing.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to diagnose this credentials failure and where I should be looking to get this working?


The "invalid_credentials" error typically indicates that the OAuth token exchange failed after the callback, not necessarily that the user’s DocuSign username/password credentials are invalid. It’s likely an issue with your OAuth setup—such as mismatched redirect URIs, incorrect client secret, or a configuration problem.

Items to check: 

Check Your Callback URL and Redirect URI

Verify the Client ID and Client Secret

Environment Mismatch (Demo vs. Production)

