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Access to signed documents


I e-signed two documents to send to Capital Communications Federal Credit Union.  I did not save copies for myself...can I access them without a paying fees?


Ron Pick

Best answer by Alexandre.Augusto

Hello, @RonPick 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


After a document be signed and the envelope gets the status of Complete, all parties involved in the signing process receives an email of completion. In such email, you may have a link to access the signed documents or they are attached in this email. There is no fee for you.


If you don’t get the completion email (check your SPAM folder) or there is no link on it neither attached documents it’s because the sender has changed the default behavior for signed documents.

If this is the case, contact the sender Capital Communications then ask to them about your copy of the signed documents. 


I hope that helps,


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Docusign Employee

Hello, @RonPick 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


After a document be signed and the envelope gets the status of Complete, all parties involved in the signing process receives an email of completion. In such email, you may have a link to access the signed documents or they are attached in this email. There is no fee for you.


If you don’t get the completion email (check your SPAM folder) or there is no link on it neither attached documents it’s because the sender has changed the default behavior for signed documents.

If this is the case, contact the sender Capital Communications then ask to them about your copy of the signed documents. 


I hope that helps,


  • Community Moderator
  • 2554 replies
  • April 9, 2024

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